A Woman in Need of Love - Kristy Love

A36 year old Kristy Love has one of the largest boobs in the world
- 48NN breasts that weighs over 2 stone each, (equaling the weight of a small child).

                                                             Servicing her client

She said she and her boobs are looking for a man.

"It’s time for them to find a man. My boobies do not need to be alone. It’s time for them to find a man." she said

                                                             Kristy Love taking smoothie

Kristy Love, from Atlanta, Georgia, works as a masseuse and earns over a thousand dollars a day rubbing and smothering clients with her massive boobs.

                                                               Her Massive Boobs

See picture of her in action below:

                                                             Kristy Love in action

Watch her video below:

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